Watertrack Pro is the successor of Water Track ECO!Please read the disclaimer at the end of the text...
Watertrack Pro is the successor of Water Track ECO!Please read the disclaimer at the end of the text!
In the broadest sense a comfortable multilingual plotter (currently German and English, Polish, Dutch) for inland waterways in Germany (and mostly coastal). Water track has already in the ECO version quite many useful features and information.
Water track runs both in portrait and in landscape view and adjusts automatically. The operating instructions for our apps, please visit our website. There detailed videos are listed for use!
Water track runs the Android version 4.0.3 on Tablets and Phones.Water track is available in German, English, Polish, Dutch (switch by Config)
Head display with orientation of the map to "Absolute Nord".
Module Magazine for unlimited extensions on a modular basis.
Enter your boat data only once and can then no further adjustments leave. Once set makes Water track the rest and you can travel relaxed.
In Head Display (Upper Display) provides information on the current speed limit (with warning if you are driving too fast!) And the actual speed. There is a display of coordinates (LAT / LON) your current position and a compass (direction indicator).
This data is constantly updated and serve the boat operator as a standard tool.
Water track uses the latest maps and overlays - including from OpenStreetMap (Maps Forge) and one of us modified OpenSeaMap overlay (with display of all navaids in Germany!) Of the district in which you are traveling.
Water track runs completely offline and requires no connection to the Internet or a telephone company. They are totally independent you with the application. Only for the update check and possible updates is a Wi-Fi connection is recommended and to download the offline map.
Water Track informs about the following events (selectable, can be switched off):
Bridges - and their heights (you will receive a warning if your boat does not fit under the bridge).
Locks - When approaching provides all relevant information to the lock (dimensions, phone).
Ports - When approaching to get all relevant information about the ports & marinas (name, phone).
Speed Limit - Clean up the speed limit on your location.
Water Information and KM xx (name of the water body, stretch position). Absolute orientation - When you turn your boat, the map aligns.
Modules have their own functions - information www.Watertrack.de
Note: Water track is not a substitute for their recognized or mandatory means of navigation. Water track serves as supplemental navigation aid and is not a full-fledged navigation with 100% safety on the water.
*********************************************WATER WORKS ON TRACKALL INLAND WATERS ANDRIVERS & CHANNELS IN GERMANY:*********************************************
Berlin and Brandenburg waters, and waters in Potsdam and also recreational areas such as the Mecklenburg Lake District, Müritz, the Webel Linsee and waters around Rheinberg and the Penestrom to name just a few important.
No matter which waters you sail, Water track will accompany you everywhere reliable.
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PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE FREE FIRST ECO VERSION BEFORE USING THIS VERSION BUY!Please test out the ECO version, whether it is running on your device without any problems. You can assume that runs the Pro version on your device when the ECO runs. In rare cases, we found problems with some devices. Most often there were problems with the Map downloading. For this, there is now also manual solutions Abaer.